Kids Climate Change

Climate Justice

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

The Future is in Our Hands (and Our Kids’ Hands)

Time is ticking away. We’re already seeing the impacts of climate change across the world. Unless we take giant steps now to address this issue, our kids are very likely to grow up in a world dramatically different from we, as parents, know today. There is no ‘Planet B’ we can move people to if Planet Earth becomes uninhabitable. We need to ensure our kids’ (and their future generations) survival.

As a nation, we’ve dragged our feet for far too long on tackling climate change. We need change. We need action. We need to urgently and drastically cut our greenhouse gas emissions, and we need other countries to also make significant reductions in their emissions. And we need to do this in a way that’s equitable for all nations. Humanity must act collectively if we want to sustain our existence, and the existence of all life, on our precious planet.

What We Want to See Action On

Our current Federal Coalition Government has done very little to mitigate the serious consequences of climate change. We need big changes in our national policy and the way our budget is allocated. We know we can’t change things overnight, but we can change direction to create a more sustainable future. We need to move away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy sources. We need to de-carbonise our economy and invest in green, sustainable businesses. We need to lead global policy and assist developing countries to invest in renewable energy and green technology.

More specifically, we want to see in Australia:

  • Stop the proposed Adani mine.
  • No new coal or gas projects.
  • Have 100% renewable energy by 2030.

These are not all the solutions to climate change, but just some of the key things we want to see our country commit to. Achieving these goals will get us a long way down the path of cutting our greenhouse gas emissions.

Kids Against Climate Change

Join Us, its #notbusinessasusual at Whole Kids

The phrase ‘business as usual’ gets thrown around a lot in corporate settings.

But there’s nothing ‘usual’ about climate change and the alarming rate at which we’re damaging our planet. And it’s certainly not business as usual for Australia’s students and young people to be asking adults to participate in action against climate change.

So for the Global Climate Strike this September 20thWhole Kids won’t be doing business as usual. Instead, we’re inviting you to march with us at the Melbourne ClimateStrike rally. Look our for the group in green!

 Tens of thousands of students are striking from school to let our politicians know that they need to take our future seriously, and commit to taking action on the climate change crisis. And families are more than welcome to join in.

If you’re keen to know more and join us, head over to School Strike and sign up. We’d love to see you there.

About School Strike

Our partners School Strike 4 Climate are school students from cities and towns across Australia. Most of them don’t know each other, but they are united by a shared concern about the future of our planet.

In Australia, education is viewed as immensely important, and a key way to make a difference in the world. But simply going to school isn’t doing anything about climate change. And it doesn’t seem that our politicians are doing anything, or at least not enough, about climate change either.

Students are temporarily sacrificing their education in order to save our futures from climate wrecking projects like the Adani coal mine.