Whole Kids Organic Soft Cereal Biscuits give you lots of options:
From 6+ months of age:
As your baby start to move onto solids use the cereal biscuits as a smooth cereal by adding a quarter cup of lukewarm water or breast milk, formula or other milk of your choice to help the transition to a new texture with a familiar taste.
From 10+ months of age:
When your little one becomes comfortable with solids the biscuits are the perfect size and shape for little hands to hold and experience self feeding. The soft and crumbley texture makes these easy to eat and gives you peace of mind.
* Note: Babies develop a different stages and will be ready to start transitioning onto solids at different times. The age recommendations above are to act as a guide only. You best know your child’s capabilities and are best placed to decide if the above options are suitable for your little one.